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Nuestra línea de asistencia para el cáncer funciona las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana y proporciona información y respuestas a las personas que están lidiando con el cáncer. Podemos conectarle con especialistas capacitados con información sobre el cáncer, que responderán preguntas acerca del diagnóstico de cáncer, sabrán guiarle y escuchar con compasión.
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Nuestros especialistas altamente capacitados están disponibles por teléfono las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana y pueden asistirle por mensajería instantánea en línea de lunes a viernes. Conectamos a pacientes, cuidadores y familiares con servicios y recursos imprescindibles en cada etapa de su experiencia con el cáncer. Pregúntenos cómo involucrarse y apoyar la lucha contra el cáncer. Algunos de los temas con los que podemos ofrecer ayuda incluyen:
Para preguntas médicas, le animamos a revisar su información con su médico.
Administre su atención contra el cáncer
Cancer and cancer treatment can cause different types of swelling. It might be called edema or swelling, depending on where it is and what is causing it.
Edema is the medical word for when there is a build-up of fluid somewhere in the body. Fluid leaks out from blood vessels called capillaries and into the nearby tissues. Edema can develop suddenly or slowly over time.
The most common type of edema is peripheral edema. It refers to swelling in the arms, legs, hands, or feet. It can be caused by conditions such as heart failure, kidney disease, or poor circulation.
Other causes of edema include:
Edema may be described as pitting or non-pitting, based on how the swelling reacts when you press on it. Knowing whether edema is pitting or non-pitting can help your health care team know what might be causing it and how best to treat it.
The information here focuses on peripheral edema, but there are other types of edema, including:
Sometimes edema is referred to as swelling. Swelling is the most common symptom of edema and develops when too much fluid causes a part of the body to look bigger and puffier.
Other symptoms include:
These are signs of a possible allergic reaction or fluid in the lungs and require immediate medical attention.
It’s important to talk to your health care team if you have new or worse swelling. Edema that isn’t managed can lead to other problems such as infection and organ damage.
Some of the most common treatments for edema include:
If you have edema, talk to your doctor or cancer care team if you:
Ask them what other symptoms you should call them for. Ask them who to call and when, including when the office or clinic is closed.
Equipo de redactores y equipo de editores médicos de la American Cancer Society
Nuestro equipo está compuesto de médicos y enfermeras con postgrados y amplios conocimientos sobre el cáncer, al igual que de periodistas, editores y traductores con amplia experiencia en contenidos médicos.
Bruera E & Dev R. Overview of managing common non-pain symptoms in palliative care. UpToDate. UpToDate Inc; 2023. Updated December 2021. Accessed December 18, 2023. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/overview-of-managing-common-non-pain-symptoms-in-palliative-care
Runyon BA. Evaluation of adults with ascites. UpToDate. UpToDate Inc; 2023. Updated March 2022. Accessed December 18, 2023. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/evaluation-of-adults-with-ascites
Runyon BA. Malignancy-related ascites. UpToDate. UpToDate Inc; 2023. Updated October 2022. Accessed December 18, 2023. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/malignancy-related-ascites
Smith CC. Clinical manifestations and evaluation of edema in adults. UpToDate. UpToDate Inc; 2023. Updated July 2023. Accessed December 18, 2023. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/clinical-manifestations-and-evaluation-of-edema-in-adults
Sterns RH. Pathophysiology and etiology of edema in adults. UpToDate. UpToDate Inc; 2023. Updated March 2022. Accessed December 18, 2023. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/pathophysiology-and-etiology-of-edema-in-adults
Actualización más reciente: abril 9, 2024
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Done ahora para que podamos continuar brindando acceso a información crítica sobre el cáncer, recursos y apoyo y así mejorar las vidas de las personas con cáncer y sus familias.