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Anthony Marino

Anthony Marino headshot

Anthony Marino

Executive Vice President, Northeast Region

As executive vice president for the Northeast Region, Anthony Marino is the senior-most staff executive, driving development and implementation of the Society’s mission and income strategies across the Northeastern United States. By engaging corporate executives, high-level donors, and leadership volunteers from Maine to Maryland, Anthony is mobilizing a mighty force to create neighborhoods and communities free from suffering caused by cancer. 

Under Anthony’s leadership, the Northeast Region implements the largest Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® events in the nation, including the most successful Men Wear Pink campaign. In 2020, he led the Northeast Region through significant organizational transition and quickly evolved large in-person fundraisers to virtual platforms while maximizing return on investment.   

Anthony has more than 20 years of experience in developing proven relationships in marketing, fundraising, and corporate partnerships. On a personal level, Anthony currently raises funds through Men Wear Pink, Coaches vs. Cancer, DetermiNation, and Relay For Life of Hope Lodge NYC. 

Anthony earned his BS in Marketing/Management from Siena College and is a graduate of the Society’s National Leadership Institute. He resides in Glenmont, New York, with his wife, Michelle, and three children, Adam, Eliana, Sadie, and their dog, Bella.