As the nation's largest private, not-for-profit source of funds for scientists studying cancer, the American Cancer Society (ACS) remains committed to funding basic, translational, clinical, and cancer control research now and in the future - as much as we are able given our available financial resources.
The ACS grant process is managed by the Extramural Discovery Science (EDS) team.
Look for funding opportunities you qualify for.
Applications are available on ProposalCentral approximately 3 months before the deadline.
Who Can Apply: Independent investigators at any career stage.
Purpose: To fund exploratory research to develop research methodologies, establish feasibility, or pilot test high-risk/high-reward research across the research continuum.
Funding: 2 years with $135K a year direct costs, plus 10% allowable indirect costs
Deadlines: June 1* and Dec. 1*
Who Can Apply: Independent investigators at any career stage.
Purpose: Enables transition of patient-focused research to accelerate clinical impact
Funding, Stage I: 2 years with $135K a year direct costs, plus 10% allowable indirect costs
Funding, Stage II: 1.5 years with $545K total direct costs, plus 10% allowable indirect costs
Deadlines: June 1* and Dec. 1*
Who Can Apply: Investigators within the first 10 years of an initial independent research career or full-time faculty appointment
Funding: Up to 4 years with $215K a year direct costs, plus 10% allowable indirect costs
Deadlines: June 1* and Dec. 1*
Applications are available on ProposalCentral approximately 3 months before the deadline.
What's Updated: Increased stipends and expanded eligibility
Who Can Apply: Investigators who are US citizens or non-citizens holding an appropriate visa when the application is submitted and are within 4 years of receiving a doctoral degree
Funding: Progressive stipends of $66K, $68K, and $70K for up to 3 years, plus an annual $4K fellowship allowance and $1,500 travel allowance in the final year
Application Deadlines: June 1* and Dec. 1*
Who Can Apply: Full-time faculty who have clinical responsibilities, do not lead an independent research program, and want to be mentored and participate in research training to become an independent clinician scientist.
Funding: 3 to 5 years with $135K direct costs a year, plus 8% allowable indirect costs
Deadlines: June 1* and Dec. 1*
The next ASTRO-CSDG deadline is Dec 1
Applications are available on ProposalCentral approximately 3 months before the deadline.
Who Can Apply: Awarded to institutions as block grants to provide seed money for newly independent investigators to initiate cancer research projects. The principal investigator of the grant should be an associate or full professor.
Funding: New IRGs are for 4 years, up to $120K per year. IRG renewals are for 4 years, up to $100K per year.
Deadline: June 1, 2025*
All IRG applications will be due June 1 each year
Who Can Apply: Local oncology practices and hospitals with direct patient interaction and the capability to participate in clinical trials.
Purpose: To build the infrastructure needed to increase participation of Black men with prostate cancer in clinical trials through the use of Trial Library and involvement with the Prostate Cancer Clinical Trial Consortium.
Funding: $200,000 direct costs per year for 2 years.
LOI Deadline: September 30, 2024*
Who Can Apply: Independent investigators at an eligible institution with appropriate training and expertise. See RFA announcement for scientific scope.
Purpose: Implement and investigate the effect of Flatiron Clinical Pipe, an EHR-to-EDC connector, on the efficiency and conduct of cancer clinical trials.
Funding: $250,000 total direct costs for a 2-year term, no indirect costs allowed.
LOI Deadline: March 17, 2025*
Who Can Apply: Independent investigators at eligible US academic institutions or nonprofits. Applicants from underrepresented groups and Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) are encouraged to apply.
Funding: 4-year project with $4.07M ($3.7M direct cost plus 10% indirect cost)
LOI Deadline: March 17, 2025
Application deadline: June 1, 2025*
Who Can Apply: Independent investigators at any career stage.
Purpose: Support the commercialization of an ongoing cancer research project and to validate and de-risk technologies.
Funding: $75,000 direct costs for a 1 year project period. No indirect costs allowed.
Application Deadline: Rolling starting in March 2024
Who Can Apply: Funding is available for mentored grants and independent research grants. See RFA for scientific scope.
Funding: Funding amount varies with mechanism. See RFA for more information.
Application Deadline: June 1, 2025*
Who Can Apply: Independent investigators at all career ranks
Purpose: To enable the discovery of cancer interception or prevention therapies for RUNX1-FPD hematologic malignancies.
Funding: Awards are for up to 4 years. $215,000 per year direct costs plus 10% IDC for RSG award; $430,000 per year direct costs plus 10% IDC for Team award.
Application Deadline: December 1, 2025*
Who Can Apply: Independent investigators at any career stage with a doctoral degree and a full-time faculty appointment or equivalent, who are evaluating changes in the health care system with a focus on cancer
Funding: 4 years with $215K direct costs per year, 10% indirect costs allowed
Deadlines: June 1* and Dec. 1*
Who Can Apply: Members of the ACS research ecosystem (grantees, intramural scientists) who are independent investigators at any career stage.
Purpose: Initiate new, interdisciplinary collaborations within the ACS research ecosystem
Funding: $61,200 total for a 1-year project, no indirect costs
Application Deadline: July 15, 2024*
Applications are available on ProposalCentral approximately 3 months before the deadline.
Curious About ACS Professor Awardees?
See the list of all current and previous ACS Professors.
Who Can Apply: Applicants must be at the rank of full professor and have made, and will likely continue to make, impactful contributions to change the direction of cancer research.
Funding: $80,000 direct costs per year for 5-years; renewable
Letter of Intent (LOI) Deadline: Between June 1 and September 1 for new Professor submissions only.
Application Deadline: December 1* for new and renewal applications
* If the grant application deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, applications will be accepted the following business day.
All applications are submitted and reviewed through ProposalCentral. Applications will be available on ProposalCentral approximately 3 months before the deadline. The links below give you details about focusing your topic, what to include, and how to format your application.