I started my career in cancer research because it was scientifically interesting to me, but what motivates me today is seeing how the research we support at ACS directly affects people with cancer. Knowing that the next grant I see may have the potential to prevent, treat, or ease the suffering of people with cancer is a great privilege.”
Joanne Elena, PhD, MPH, oversees the Extramural Discovery Science Clinical and Population Sciences program. In this role, she’s responsible for the research program’s development, peer review, and grant management for studies in humans related to the areas of cancer prevention, screening and early detection, cancer care and delivery, treatment, palliative care, and survivorship.
Research in this program requires data from human populations and may include behavioral research, healthcare delivery, comparative effectiveness research, health outcomes studies, secondary data analysis, implementation science, community based participatory and practice-based research, and health equity research.
Elena’s personal research interests include:
She has published approximately 50 peer reviewed manuscripts and several book chapters. Before coming to the American Cancer Society, she was a Program Director at the National Cancer Institute's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, the Scientific Director of the NCI Cohort Consortium, and was responsible for developing and managing several large funding initiatives, including for cancer epidemiology cohorts (PAR 22-162, RFA 20-030, PAR 20-294, PAR 17-233) and contributed to a RFA supporting Exercise and Nutrition Interventions to Improve Cancer Treatment-Related Outcomes (ENICTO) in Cancer Survivors.
For a full list of Dr. Elena’s publications, visit her Google Scholar page.
I live in Virginia Beach, VA with my husband, 2 sons, and dog Luna, who loves to make an occasional Zoom appearance.