In the last 20 or so years, the growing understanding about the role of genetics in complex health disorders has been pivotal to the advancement of modern medicine. This success is thanks to the effort and collaboration of scientists all around the world. The American Cancer Society is at the forefront of using newfound genetic data (or analyses) to advance cancer research. The ACS supports an ever-growing genetic database that’s shared with national and global institutions. Plus, the ACS helps unite the efforts of patients, volunteers, and researchers to participate in cancer genetics research and disseminate life-saving findings.”
As a Senior Associate Scientist, Adriana Lori, PhD, focuses on the organization and analyses of genome-wide data from the American Cancer Society Cancer Prevention Studies in Population Science to evaluate genetic factors associated with various cancer types and outcomes.
Her primary role involves the development, management, and use of a genetics database that includes information from the Cancer Prevention Study participants who supplied blood or urine samples or swabs from the inside of their cheek. The goal of building and maintaining this database allows for the development of genetic risk-prediction scores and the creation of novel datasets to answer new questions about cancer from existing genomics projects.
Lori’s research has focused on molecular and bioinformatic investigations of sequence variants, including genome-wide association analyses (GWAS), and Polygenic Risk Score (PRS).
She was one of the primary genetic investigators of the Grady Trauma Project, which involved identifying molecular mechanisms associated with stress-related disorders (such as posttraumatic stress disorder) and social behaviors by using GWAS and epigenome-wide association studies (EWAS) analyses. She also worked with the Emory Health Brain Study to identify biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease.
Lori was awarded the Emory University NARSAD Young Investigator Grant and an invited editor for the journal Frontiers Neuroscience. (NARSAD is the abbreviation for the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, which is now called the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.)
Lori has been an invited editor for the journal Frontiers Neuroscience.
For a full list of Dr. Lori’s publications, visit her Google Scholar Page