The Jiler Conference spanned from the most fundamental research, to finding new targets for treatment, to working with patients to increase their ability to prevent cancer or increase the efficacy of their treatment.
Attendees were welcomed by a selection of the ACS Extramural Discovery Science team Rachel Commander, PhD, Kim Clarke, PhD, Chanda Felton, MPH, and Ellie Daniels, MD, MPH.
Alpa Patel, PhD, moderated a panel about how gender shapes careers in science and medicine with Ellie Daniels, MD, MPH, and Jennifer Grandis, MD, ACS grantee who presented a keynote Building and Sustaining Careers in Academic Medicine: A Gender Equity Lens.
You talk about the 50 Nobel Laureates ACS has funded. The next 50 are going to come from these areas. . ."
BrightEdge leaders Farnaz Bakhshi, PhD, and Steve Curtis, PhD, talked with Angelique Whitehurst, PhD, former ACS grantee and ACS Professors Davide Ruggero, PhD, and Johannes Walter, PhD. The Therapeutics companies they co-founded eFFECTOR and Moma, respectively, have raised nearly $300 million in venture capital.
Alpa Patel, PhD, moderated a panel discussion and audience Q&A about how gender shapes careers in science and medicine with Ellie Daniels, MD, MPH, and Jennifer Grandis, MD, ACS grantee from University of California, San Francisco, who presented a keynote Building and Sustaining Careers in Academic Medicine: A Gender Equity Lens.
Attendees were welcomed by a selection of the ACS Extramural Discovery Science team Rachel Commander, PhD, Kim Clarke, PhD, Chanda Felton, MPH, and Ellie Daniels, MD, MPH.