My grandmother was a 25-year breast cancer survivor, and I always wanted to do something in Public Health. When the opportunity at ACS came along, I knew it was where I wanted to start my professional career. I love that I get to work with our Cancer Prevention Study participants. They are the core of our research, and I am fortunate to have the opportunity to help them each day.”
As a Senior Associate Scientist in the Study Management group in Population Science, Tiffany Patterson, MPH, is responsible for communicating with people who participate in the ACS Cancer Prevention Study-3 (CPS-3).
Patterson follows up with participants and resolves the CPS-3 undeliverable surveys that go out every 3 years. She’s also involved with mailing consent requests to participants with newly reported cancer diagnoses and with updating survey documents.
Patterson has spoken to hundreds of participants, answering any questions they have about the study and providing valuable feedback with the rest of the CPS-3 research team.
She also helps: