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TLC: Hair Loss and Mastectomy Products

tlc (Tender Loving Care) is an American Cancer Society publication. We offer products for women coping with breast cancer or any cancer treatment that causes hair loss as well as advice on how to use these products. Products include wigs, hairpieces, headwear, and mastectomy products.

The tlc mission is to help women facing cancer treatment cope with the appearance-related side effects of cancer by making these hard-to-find products affordable and readily available for purchase from the privacy of their own homes. To order products or catalogs call 1-800-850-9445, or visit tlc online at

tlc respects your privacy. If you choose to purchase from tlc, only the information needed to process your order will be collected and will not be provided to anyone outside of the American Cancer Society and its tlc affiliate.

Q: tlc respects your privacy.
A: If you choose to purchase from tlc, only the information needed to process your order will be collected and will not be provided to anyone outside of the American Cancer Society and its tlc affiliate.

Our “tlc” Tender Loving Care® program is made possible thanks to generous supporters like you. 

Donate today so we can continue our life-changing work.