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The Great American Smokeout. Your Smoke-free Start.

Quitting smoking isn't easy. Join the Great American Smokeout on the third Thursday in November to start your smoke-free journey.

black woman with short hair looking up at sky scrapper buildings

The Great American Smokeout®

Quitting smoking isn’t easy. It takes time. And a plan. You don’t have to stop smoking in one day. Start with day one. Let the Great American Smokeout event on the third Thursday in November be your day to start your journey toward a smoke-free life! 

You’ll be joining thousands of people who smoke across the country in taking an important step toward a healthier life and reducing your cancer risk. Plus, the American Cancer Society can help you access the resources and support you need to quit.

Quitting starts here.

Join our email-based program to help you quit smoking.

Why is this event important?

smiling man in cap
Although cigarette smoking rates have been declining for decades, cigarette smoking remains the most preventable cause of serious illness and death. 
  • Smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke cause more than 480,000 deaths in the US every year.
  • Smoking cigarettes increases the risk of at least 12 different cancers. 
  • In the US, cigarette smoking causes about 3 of every 10 cancer deaths. This number is higher in parts of the South and Appalachia.
  • Some groups of people smoke more heavily or at higher rates. These populations tend to be those who face barriers to care and inequities in multiple areas of their lives, including:
    • People at lower socioeconomic levels
    • Those without college degrees
    • American Indians/Alaska natives
    • African American/Black communities
    • LGBTQ+ communities
    • People serving in the military
    • People with mental health conditions 

It’s not too late to quit using tobacco. No matter your age or how long you’ve been smoking, quitting improves some aspects of your health immediately and even more over the long term. 

Giving up smoking is a difficult journey, but you can increase your chances of success with a good plan and support. Getting help through counseling and medications doubles or even triples your chances of quitting successfully. 

History of the Great American Smokeout

Get help quitting smoking

Quitting smoking is not easy, but you can do it. To have the best chance of quitting and remaining smoke-free, you need to know what you’re up against, what your options are, and where to go for help. 

Event Tools & Resources

Quitting smoking is a process, and success may look different for different people. There are many ways to quit smoking, and some work better than others. The American Cancer Society can tell you about the steps you can take to quit smoking and help you find quit-smoking programs, resources, and support that can increase your chances of quitting successfully. To learn about the available tools, call us at 1-800-227-2345 or reach us via live chat. You can also find free tips and tools below.